Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Peep into our Homeschool Life

I am taking some classes for me...for the MOM and I love, love, love them. This summer, I took a class about energy management and renewal. I studied several youth classics like Heidi, The Bronze Bow, Little Men. Right now I'm studying Uncle Tom's Cabin. And I'm taking a class about the nuts and bolts of homeschooling...simplifying, family work, and I forget the name of the last session. I just listened to the recording of the class on simplifying (since I'm not able to attend at the time). And it was so good. I decided to email the teachers and this is what I wrote them. I'm sharing this on my blog because so many people ask me what my homeschool day looks like and this covers it a bit:

I just now watched the recording and I just have to say THANK YOU! I always need the reminder to simplify. For me, it's mostly about simplifying my schedule. But I also have found that simplifying my stuff helps me sail through a busier schedule better. A few months ago, we purged about 1/2 of all of our kids' toys. I'm ready to get rid of more. :) Always. I've always been pretty good about minimal clothing. I have 4 kids and just 2 dressers. They each have 3 drawers and it helps me keep up on the laundry. There's no way I can go a week with letting the laundry pile up, somebody will run out of something.

I'll just share a little about what's going on with me right now. I have kids 8, 6, 4, 1. We're already busy with music lessons, soccer season, Cub Scouts and me being a new Den leader (with the learning curve), a LOLIPOP group with me being a project leader, twice-a-month homeschool park days, working at my husband's office one afternoon a week (because I already tried doing the marketing from home for 2 years and I just didn't get much done--he started his own business 2 3/4 years ago so it's still in the building phase), and watching my 5yo nephew once a week so his mom can get quality 1 on 1 time with her 10yo Love Of Learning daughter...that's my family service.

Some weeks, I can handle it. I'm so glad I started meditating a few months ago...and that I decided to work on anger management. August and September were really bad months for me. My 4yo daughter started saying the "I hate you" phrase a little too much because I was wound up a little too much and my voice was a little too harsh too often. But sometime in September, the meditation started kicking in and more often than not, I find myself handling situations with more calm and perspective instead of just reacting.

Last week, because I don't feel right about pulling out of the music lessons (I'm committed for the semester) and soccer season right now, I decided to simplify my academic expectations for them. (It's not like our schooling schedule was even rigorous...I was only doing core subjects once a week since they are all basically Core phasers: Monday was Math day, Tuesday was History/Countries, Wednesday was Science, and Thursday was Grammar/Spelling.) But with our schedule and chores and their need to practice their music lessons, it was taking a toll and they really just wanted to play anytime we were home. So last week, I told them that we would put a hold on the formal schooling and just get back to the, reading time, play, and music practice. I even put reading time right after breakfast instead of requiring the work first because they always gravitate to the couch with a book right after breakfast. I used to fight that and push them to work, but now I'm trying the devotional and reading. They sure like it. I still have to push them to do their work after reading time...they just want to play. It's working, usually. Each of them is also more prone to wanting to practice their music. I will probably keep it this way until somebody starts asking/begging to do core subjects again.

I still feel like I don't have enough time in my days. My afternoons are too busy so I'm not getting as much personal study time in and they aren't getting as much quiet time in. I'm sure there is more I can do to simplify our family schedules. I love the idea of saving mornings for home. I can't wait until my oldest is old enough to leave home with the napping baby...that's one of the hardest parts of having all young children. Any time I have to go somewhere, everyone has to come, too, whether they like it or not.

I would ask for your suggestions, but I know that I just need to pray and ask God how I need to simplify. The last time I asked Him what I should take out (I'm always telling my husband that I'll be happy to quit any time he can find a replacement for me), I actually got an interesting answer...I felt like He didn't want me to remove anything but that He wanted me to keep doing these things and learn (efficiency? leadership? better time management? household management? delegation?) and grow because of everything I'm doing.

One thing I've done is implemented a more solid reading time which includes poetry and regular reading from classics. I'm building in the devotional. I'm so hit and miss with that. When I do bring back regular academics, it will be when one or more of my kids wants more learning after our reading time is done.

Thanks for letting me ramble.